Slade Coulter is yet another fantastic songwriter cut from the cloth of time spent in Lubbock, TX. He is quickly amassing a following of fans who have found his personal, yet relatable songwriting to be one of the true bright lights in a crowd of mediocrity. Coulter is part of the next generation of Texas singer/songwriters belonging to a class that includes peers such as Kat Hasy and Kolby Cooper. It’s a generation that is doing things their own way and making music on their own terms. The brass rings they chase are theirs alone. Coulter is cutting his own path and that path brings him to take part in River Jam 2021 on Sun Aug 1 at Lone Star Float House. Come see part of the future of Texas Music at River Jam this year.
Performance date/time: Sunday Aug 1, Lone Star Float House
Years at event: Debut
Twitter: @sladecoulter